To see your version Click "Help" then "About CallSchedule" in the upper left hand corner of CallSchedule's Main Menu.
The Latest CallSchedule Version is 6.0.2 (September 11, 2009). To download Callschedule version 6.0.2 installation program file and manual click here /Cs602.zip 12.7 MBAll new users should use this option. After downloading click, on "Cs600.zip" then click on the enclosed "Setup.exe " to install the program. The manual in PDF format will be copied to your installation folder. The file name extensions ".zip" and ".exe" may not be displayed depending on the settings of your computer. Users that have CallSchedule already installed on their computer must uninstall it using Windows control panel before installing the new version. Uninstalling and reinstalling does not change or erase your data. To download Callschedule version 6.0.2 installation program file without the manual click here Cs602_no_manual.zip 4.9 MB If you have Manual 57A, or have already downloaded the manual, you may want to use this option. There are only a few changes between manuals 57A and 57B. Principally the manual expects that the program will be downloaded instead of installed from a CD. A few things are rewritten to be clearer (we hope), but these changes are also made in the Help file. See directions above. To download Callschedule version 5.7.7 click here Cs577.zip 0.9 MB If you already have CallSchedule installed on your computer, and do not wish to uninstall and reinstall, you can download the last version of the 5.7 series of the program. Click on Cs577.zip and copy CallSchd.exe to the CallSchedule installation directory. The file name extensions ".zip" and ".exe" may not be displayed depending on the settings of you computer. The default installation directory is "C:\Program Files\Callschedule ". Replace the existing CallSchd.exe. If you do this the Help file will not work with Microsoft Vista. The newer style Help program can not be incorporated into versions older than 6.0.0. To download the manual only click here CsManual57B.pdf 8.0 MB Click here for details of version changes.